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Hi everyone it's justsomegarbage.-. This is my computer account and i hope you enjoy these crappy animations i have made. :3
Hey, thanks for checking in šŸŽµIā€™m sTiLl A pIeCe Of GaRbAgE!šŸŽµ
Hope you all having a good day and I hope you all like my art thanks!:3
Bff:CAN I PLEASE GET A WAFFLE?!(sheā€™s my meme twin)
Pfp: Google

You all can call me some garbage or garbage for short.

Memes: road work ahead? Yeah, I sure hope it does.
Can I have a waffle? CAN I PLEASE GET A WAFFLE?!
Here comes a THOT.
ChIcKeN StRiPs!!!!!
AAAH! Stop, you could have made me drop my croissant!
How do know whatā€™s best for for me? ThAtS mY oPiNiOn!!
Hi welcome to chiliā€™s.
Two boys chilling in the hot tub! 5 feet apart cuz there not gay!
I love Steven universe and anime. I love making storyā€™s. My favorite color is blue. If you comment you now have a new follower: me. .-.
preference for weather is summer. I love warm weather!
birthday March 11th
Gender: F
Warning: I can be a little emo at times, but I try to have a positive outlook(Iā€™m working on it.-.)šŸŒ·šŸŒøā­ļø

More about me:I actually have dark brown eyes but I draw myself with blue eyes because I always wanted blue eyes. I change my OC every now and then, and i wear glasses. Cuz my vision sucks!šŸ‘ my hair is brown with purple streaks in it (they are faded at the moment). Please donā€™t ask for a face reveal, Iā€™m not showing my face, and I canā€™t take a good selfie if my life depended on itšŸ¤£

My preferred game console is a Wii or Wii U(or Nintendo switch when Iā€™m bored and the tv is occupied)

My favorite SU AU is the disarmed AU ā­ļø

I am also making a collaboration AU with WAFFLE so if you see pictures I have made that look like a character from SU but Kinda different then itā€™s a good chance itā€™s me drawing our au.

OCā€™s: nerd aquamarine, worry anxiety, and myself (justsomegarbage.-.)
Substitute OCā€™s:
Awesome things I came up with:
She beauty, she grace, sheā€™s a salty rock from space.
Iā€™m as single as a Pringle can be, but Iā€™m not looking for an online Pringle, cuz if the family found out I was online Pringling Iā€™d be Pringle crumbs.

Talents: art, singing, I can whistle by blowing in and out >:3, I can play the ukulele, I can sort of play the drums, I donā€™t take dance classes but I listen to the beat of songs and Iā€™m able to create a dance based of of that and the lyrics (I donā€™t really think thatā€™s a talent tho), and Iā€™m pretty good at acting.

WARNING: I make a lot of flashing animations so if you have seizures/epilepsy(I think thatā€™s what thatā€™s called) donā€™t watch my animations like my experimental emotional animations. For your own sake. Be safe :3 -garbage

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