DemaTheWolf (MetalArmed bro) (asleep and awake (online(crush❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️PhoneGuy) my OCS Eddy phoneGuy2000 2000 60 80 90 602'70 rain thunder

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More OCS Stacy zippy Xippy Smile blue little j toxy
Hi I'm Dema but my name is Rylee
My Roblox name is LincolnTheWolf5
Friends rasberry and diam AlexFnafGirl blank
Crush PhoneGuy
I hate moldy pizza
If you are my crush you get a diamond pizza
If you are my friend you get lapis or gold (u choose lapis or gold
If you are my foe you get coal pizza
If you are not my friend regular pizza
Okay at my dads I play as LicoTheMale(crush:

But I will change it to Dema1000

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