☆ beanz

What followers really are. ((in my opinion))

In my opinion, followers don't always mean they like you. And people who don't follow you doesn't mean they don't like you.

In all honesty, I think followers mean that they just wanna keep up with your art and updates n stuff. Most of the time it probably means they really like your art, but sometimes it's just so that they can keep up with drama and see what shitty stuff you do more easily, especially if you're a troll account, or they don't like you.

Even if someone doesn't follow you, that doesn't mean they hate you or think your art is garbage. Maybe they actually like your art, but they just don't really think they want to keep up with your art all the time. Getting unfollowed means the same thing. Maybe they don't really think they ALWAYS wanna keep up with your art, they might still like it, but not an extent.

So if anyone unfollows you, don't go and harass them. It's their choice. It's their opinion. It's fine if you wanna hear their reasons to why they unfollowed you, but if they don't wanna talk about it, don't force them to, it'll probably make them wanna block you or even get you reported.

Also, don't beg people to follow you. Even if the person follows you, it most likely isn't a genuine follow. And by that I mean they don't actually wanna keep up with your work, and probably just did it so that you would stop harrasing them with the same copy-pasted comment all over again.

Even if you don't have much followers, that doesn't mean you aren't good at drawing. It most likely just means that you aren't noticed that much or have some stuff to maybe improve on, and if you do wanna gain more supporters, then listen to some feedback from the supporters you already have, that may help you improve.

One last thing, please know I'm not aiming this directly at a certain user or anything, I just wanna share my thoughts on what follows really mean in my opinion, and hopefully you'd understand that.

4 years ago   204 views   4 frames   12 Like



Agreed :0 really well said👏

4 years ago   Reply
  ☆ beanz

Oh yeah! That too. I usually follow some ppl cuz in my old account I always did follow backs,, and then they would want me to follow them since their a very loyal fan n stuff,, I would follow them but find their art a bit mediocre,, still not sure if I should unfollow those ppl tho 😔😔

4 years ago   Reply
  ꧁꧁𝕋𝕙Ⓞⓡⓝ 𝓲𝐍 мЎ 𝓢ⓘdᗴ꧂꧂

Also there’s pitty following, when you just feel like someone tries super hard and you want to help them out. Even though you dislike they’re art. Recently I have had to unfollow people cuz I just don’t want to keep up with them anymore

4 years ago   Reply

The thing you said about following troll accounts, I've done that so many times,, then they stop and i unfollow-

4 years ago   Reply

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