Potato Jay (Gone)

The Overlord

He's someone i never ever shown (along with like 9 other people)

So who is the Overlord?

The Overlord is an ancient cosmic entity and is the creator of the Multiverse. He destroyed most of them because they we're too evil or too chaotic.

Timeline 28 (Multiverse 28) is the only perfect Multiverse he ever had. But one of his sons decided to use this Multiverse for his evil deeds and tried to create oblivion. His son killed his 2 brothers so that no one would be in way temporarily and then he creates the dark realities, but the Overlord sadly killed his son before he completed his desire. Then creates a new son called "Shatter" to protect the Multiverse and makes sure nothing evil happens.

The Overlord has realised that there was a battle between the anti-gods and the normal gods to see who would prevale over the universes. Overlord personally doesn't want the anti gods to win sooo he sends his evil son down but makes his soul happy and good instead of chaotic evil....but the earth has turned into oblivion because of that....so he just sends down 5 remnants comets from the destroyed multverses to get rid of the darkness. Soon a shatter will destroy Multiverse in a few billion years.

How was the Overlord created?

Well a great light dawned over the oblivion temporarily, then these 4 beings emerged from the light. But their lives were limited since the light only shines for a short amount of time. So the Overlord creates the Multiverse so that a chosen warrior would be strong enough to dawn over the light.

3 years ago   49 回視聴   1 コマ   1 いいね


  Potato Jay (Gone)

Mimz ☆

Never really got him from ninjago :P

3 years ago   返信
  Mimz ☆

I know him because of ninjago lol

3 years ago   返信 (1)
  Potato Jay (Gone)


Kento your taking up most of my notifications lmao

3 years ago   返信 (2)


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