
My thoughts on animemaker today

heyo, been a while, anyways

1st topic: So I would like to start off with a statement about abdel. I honstly do commend him for trying to become a better person, I really do. What he did before was wrong, we can all agree on that, but I feel like now the only people who are toxic are his fans who try and keep living thinking their word is law and their world is right. It gets to a point where it is beating a dead horse, talking to a brick wall. Personaly, I belive abdel has been taught a lesson, Whether he has taken it to heart is yet unkown to me.
2nd topic: I would like to talk about is Wolfy or whatever his name is now, I only know him as TSBK so thats how he will be reffered to in this post. I feel like this intire problem can be boiled down to suffering from success and get a therapist. You all problably know what is happening. People, being people, were upset about something, makeing TSBK upset, so he "left" he came back and people were so happy to see him, that he got angry and did... what? I dont know the intire story, but here is my opinon. Haters gonna Hate. XD
3rd Topic: This one is about a topic that has been happeing for the last few weeks, Sexualization and relationships in animemaker. People dont seem to have a problem with this, Im not exactly sure why they dont. I understand people can draw whatever they want, but with a lot of these things, they should stay in their gallery tab. I dont feel confortable talking in detail about this, because I know that this app is mainly consisted of ages 13 and below. posting a lot these suggestive things, just arent okay. People should understand that! From the likes of Mochi, Zoom Loom, and even TSBK. Anyways onto relationships, Im going to go quick with this one, relationships are okay, nigh commenly encouraged. Sure you can meet here on animemaker just, dont bring your two's personal drama on this app. Dont go "exposing" people or dumb stuff like that, settle your drama in private dms.

(ack spelling)
(also how have you all been?)

3 years ago   110 views   1 frames   2 Like



seems a little pessimistic, but I get where you are comeing from

3 years ago   Reply

I feel ya

3 years ago   Reply

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