Mimz ☆

guess what?! making an anime about a volcano gave me the BEST IDEA for ray's origins!!

At first i wanted him to have gaz morphing powers where he can like turn into any gaz possible, along with fire powers...
But yknow what?? Volcanoes are so damn cooler
So now i re-invented ray's powers as just smoke and fire powers, to suit his birth
And since i'll probably never reveal it in my series, here is his birth's story: a volcanic eruption is occuring and a guy films it with a camera on the ground but then he has to leave fast and has to leave his camera behind, STILL FILMING THE SCENE. It's because the ash/gaz cloud from the eruption (which is the phenomenon i love the most in an eruption) goes further than expected. The cloud strikes the camera, which causes a magic explosion thing and boom, ray is born. The cloud is still moving and he is propelled to a group of people evacuating and they take him with them. They flee to the closest safe city, which happens to be where luzo is! And that's how they end up meeting each other

So with that idea i found another idea: luzo is born cuz a lightning bolt struck an ink bottle, and ray is born cuz a volcanic cloud struck a recording camera... and that's how i imagine the origins of these monsters (cuz there will probably be more than two): it's a natural element that meets an object which represents a form of art. Luzo's form of art, by ink, is drawing. Drawing has no sound, which explains why luzo is mute. Ray's form of art is video AND sound and that's why he talks

And thats everything i thought, aahhh feels good to let it out

11 months ago   61 浏览量   1 框架   8 喜欢




Already on my second tv show

10 months ago   回复
  Ssjkids (Savecosmo)

How do you only have 800 Followers?

11 months ago   回复
  Mimz ☆


best thing ever

11 months ago   回复

Okay, one.. that's really fucking cool. Two, PAY ATTENTION IN CLASS

11 months ago   回复

this is me in the middle of class
i think of a whole cartoon show when the teacher starts talking

11 months ago   回复 (2)

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