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Another two juuust in case, TW: Mentions of Su!cide
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Okay so don't cancel me because I genuinely don't know anymore and I think I need help or advice regarding this :/
So I have this friend, let's call him Mathew IG, and he keeps fucking suicide baiting me, just around fifteen minutes ago he said he'd get someone to kill him on Saturday, thats two days from now, he always tells me how his life is meaningless and how he's gonna kill himself and asks me why he shouldn't, and i feel like a downright shitty person for saying and feeling this but almost every time he texts me its either about how he wants to kill himself or he goes on his fake account that everyone so obviously knows is him and makes weird remarks about how (taken from today) "I think you and Mathew would probably make real babies" like come on that's 1, really creepy because I've said multiple times I DON'T like him that way, in fact we got drama regarding that. And 2. He has a fucking girlfriend who so happens to also be my friend, but he's acted that way toward a different girl and anytime it's brought up he denies it, but every now and then he'd slip in a "idk maybe" ik smth like that. but at the same time I don't wanna be a jerk and say he's just asking for attention but if he is then what if its a cry for help? I feel like I can't really say "why do you always come to me for even the littlest problems I'm not your mother" or "this isn't my problem, I can't help you if you don't want to help yourself" because I feel like I'm the only one he can vent or talk to regarding that, but at the same time I'm not his therapist. I don't know anymore because sometimes I can't tell if he's being genuine or not, he's lied to me and fucked with my head on a multiple of occasions and sometimes I wonder if he finds it amusing, I don't like being fucked with like that. But either way if I say it isn't my problem or I avoid it he might just fucking kill himself, but what if he's just being an idiot and I'm draining myself for no reason other than his amusement. I say this because at even the slightest disagreement he thinks we're fighting and gets all sad boy on me, saying stuff like "do you hate me?" "Are we still friends?" Shit like that because he stepped on my foot or something, which is crazy because every. Single. Time. Anything like that happens, I shrug it off and tell him "it's cool dude no biggie" or smth like that, like any other person. But he also lies to me, and other people all the time, I don't even know what to think anymore man, what should I even do at this point 😭 💀 (I might delete this idk)

7 months ago   132 浏览量   7 框架   10 喜欢



Love the anime! 🐬

6 months ago   回复

The dude probably has a shit load of mental problems, seeking attention via suicide is also a sign of mental issues and stress. HOWEVER, it is best to distance yourself from people like that, their problems and health is not your responsibility especially if they are venting without permission. Do not blame yourself if this person takes extreme measures. unless you are directly telling them to off themselves, physically and mentally abusing them, or treating them like dirt, it is not your fault.
Please do not interact with people like this especially if they are worsening your mental health.

7 months ago   回复


Yeah me too tbh with the healthy friendship, and tysm dude 😭💞 y'all are so great 🥲

7 months ago   回复


I'm glad it helped! It bugs me when people brush important things like this off, it makes you feel like they don't care. It probably is due to mental health, so Mathew def needs therapy. I'm happy that you got the chance to say everything you needed to Mathew! I genuinely hope he turns to therapy and the two of you eventually have a healthy friendship. If you ever need any help or something of the sort, I'm sure all of us would be more than willing to come to your aid! But yeah, you're not a jerkwad at all, Mathew is. (Imo). Have a good day, dude!! :- )

7 months ago   回复 (1)

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