
Thanks to 4εvr_t¡red (not spooky), “hey y'all, read the desc (or don't, you could do that and i wouldn't know. but please do read the desc)”

Yesterday, there was a blackout in Gaza, Palestine, where in all Internet and communication had been completely cut off. (Although as of the post 18 hours ago the Internet had been restored) This isn’t even a war at the point. Speaking up about this isn't anti-semitism. Israel is creating a literal genocide against Gaza. 7 THOUSAND+ of innocent Gaza civilians (+3k were children) have been murdered and there isn't nearly enough media coverage talking about it. PLEASE take the initiative to spread awareness NOW!

Add links to your bio. Post about it on your own accounts. Post stories, reels, Tik-Toks, etc. Just do ANYTHING in your power to share about what is happening. Please also make sure to do your own research and keep up with the news.

Links I advise viewing include the following (some are donation links which I highly advise supporting if possible)
I'll try updating and adding more links if I ever find more. You can also add your own links if you manage to find any.

And even if after reading all of this you STILL continue to be silent because you just want to keep talking about your interests and the topic of Gaza makes you feel uncomfortable, then 4ever and I think this person says it best:

"If you think retweeting and spreading awareness about what's happening in Palestine will ruin the “aesthetic” of your account, and you don't wanna bring “negativity” to your account, then honestly fuck you. There are innocent people who are dying out there and you're sitting in your bed, absolutely carefree. The least you can do is spread awareness about what's happening. Just imagine what they're going through right now, and what all of Palestine has been going through from the last Seventy-Five and more years." (https://twitter.com/httpxsour/status/1718017150906941588)

Spread awareness, please don't be ignorant!

In TB’s own words, one of my teachers already brought this up a month ago and I told my mother. She disagreed and I felt like it was a waste of time. Now that I see others not giving up on the ‘newspaper’ makes me feel more motivated to spread this information. I’m already dealing with too much drama for my mind to comprehend, but this is the most urgent and important of them all. If Israel keeps attacking Palestine and we overlook it, we may be next! I’m doing everything in my power to resolve this future WWIII issue, even though I have my own drama. No matter my trauma or struggles, many others have it worse. Please, spread the word at LEAST once. Do the best that you physically can do. One simple person can change the world to be positive forever, and that person may even be you. So do NOT overlook, overthink, or even hyperfocus on these simple acts. This is literally spreading kindness with high steaks…not, the grilled ones, but you know what I mean. Just mention that Palestine is being brutally invaded by Israel. For those who like Chess, it’s basically Israel trash talking while taking out the best of grandmasters in Palestine.

6 months ago   8 views   1 frames


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