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I have nothing to say...
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Tom : I-I need to be alone for a bit....
i-im not...!
Edd:on heat*Don't touch me...!
*kicks matt face and grabs tom*
Tom : *asleep* m-mph....
idk... *hand shaking* uhmmm...hey tom can you get me some b-bacon on the market
*hugs tom* :)
yes im very ok *mind:no*
*locks my room*
you never been n-nice to me...
i hate my life...*walks on my room*
its just...
*grabs pat and paul and puts them on the car locks it* im sorry about that tom...
*feeling sad*...T~T
*sigh*...*looks away*
*hugs tom* i think you need a hug!
paul and pat:*jumps on edd and tom* Tord:im not gonna shoot edd or tom >:(
Are you ok?!
le ship it
Little Tom and Grown-up Tord {Remake}
lol yandere edd
yessss *blushes* >///<