Mįnty_Jøÿ: I M C O M I N G B A C K

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Hewo everyone!! I’m Minty Joy but you can call me Mint or Minty for short. ( you can also call me Joy )

I will most likely be on a lot. I hope you like meh stupid animations I make, ( and pictures :3 )

Name: Minty Joy
Gender: Check for yourself >:3
Likes: Sweets, all fruit, and ice cweam :D
Dislikes: MEAT and REALLY REALLY bright lights :>

OC’s: Minty Jøy, Berry Cane, & Wenlx Ly

Boi boi :3 :D

11 Following     20 Follower

  Mįnty_Jøÿ: I M C O M I N G...

I got it

I don’t rlly believe that you recorded this. That’s why I put quotation marks around video

6 years ago   Reply
  Mįnty_Jøÿ: I M C O M I N G...

I got it

This isn’t something to joke about! (Also I kind of want to see that “video” you recorded on YouTube)

6 years ago   Reply
  Mįnty_Jøÿ: I M C O M I N G...

I got it

You still shouldn’t be doing that!

6 years ago   Reply
  Mįnty_Jøÿ: I M C O M I N G...

I got it

Your acting like one of my old friends Eezuuk. Go see her. I commented on her anime she posted

6 years ago   Reply
  Mįnty_Jøÿ: I M C O M I N G...

I got it

Don’t kill yourself!!! Just try to be NICE and bad things won’t happen!

6 years ago   Reply
  Mįnty_Jøÿ: I M C O M I N G...

I'm quitting this game

Thanks for being RUDE to me and CUSSING at me and telling me to DIE IN A DITCH

6 years ago   Reply
  Mįnty_Jøÿ: I M C O M I N G...

I got it

I was trying to be nice to her but NNNOOOOO she had to be rude so I did it back to her! I don’t want to be rude to people but she made me do it so I did!!

6 years ago   Reply
  Mįnty_Jøÿ: I M C O M I N G...

I got it

Say that your quitting this game for the title

6 years ago   Reply
  Mįnty_Jøÿ: I M C O M I N G...

I got it

Good for you. Post a picture about it on here

6 years ago   Reply
  Mįnty_Jøÿ: I M C O M I N G...

I got it

I won’t apologize to you until you learn how to be nice.

6 years ago   Reply
  Mįnty_Jøÿ: I M C O M I N G...

I got it

Doesn’t look like your sorry...

6 years ago   Reply
  Mįnty_Jøÿ: I M C O M I N G...

I got it

You learn how to be nice!! You told me to DIE IN A DITCH!! So, RIGHT BACK ATCHYA

6 years ago   Reply
  Mįnty_Jøÿ: I M C O M I N G...

I got it

You shouldn’t be talking to people like that who are older than you!! ( im 11 and turning 12 in April )

6 years ago   Reply
  Mįnty_Jøÿ: I M C O M I N G...

I got it

Good for you. You deserve it for being very rude to someone!

6 years ago   Reply