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AYO! It's Shay here!

"Your skin isn't paper, don't cut it. Haters are like a remote, there's a button to mute them. Your future is like a rose, beautiful and wonderful. Your life is not a video game, don't start over."

Favorite things: drawing (duh.), being lonely :3, food, sleep
Dislike: haters, bullies, school, anything that relates to work ;-;
Trait: funny, lazy, dark, creative

I have two Doggos named Curry and Pumkin :3
I like to see others work, follow me and I'll follow you, you can roleeplay if you like. Also keep a peaceful and friendly soul in the comments (no mean comments please.) I make at least one animation every week so cya! Bu byyyyyyyeeee! :3

•Shay (me)♡
•Silver & Gold♡

•Shay squad

11 Following     24 Follower


No Title

Night night :P

6 years ago   Reply

No Title

Awww~! So cute! >^< (luv foxes. Too much :V)

6 years ago   Reply

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Hmm... -gives a strawberry (it has berry in the name :3)-

6 years ago   Reply

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-smiles and gives lucky a dog treat (dunno what foxes eat.)-

6 years ago   Reply

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-pets lucky- ^^

6 years ago   Reply

Dieing inside meme

Jk I'm doing just fine :>

6 years ago   Reply

Lillith (Ninjitsu Origin)

She Protecc She Attac..but most importantly..She Brings Cuteness Bac! (I tried :P)

6 years ago   Reply

Jax (Ninjitsu Origin)

Good to hear, it'll be done next week, just need to get the story started \•^•/

6 years ago   Reply

Ms.Ara (Ninjitsu Origin)

Thanks, I was going for the graceful look. Guess it actually worked :3

6 years ago   Reply

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You know what I'm saying -3-

6 years ago   Reply

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That's what they all say.. -mumbles-

6 years ago   Reply

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"Talking" eh?

6 years ago   Reply

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What ya guys doing?~

6 years ago   Reply

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You could try to apologize to shadow....

6 years ago   Reply

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6 years ago   Reply

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-frowns- alex...just tell me :< (I know)

6 years ago   Reply

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Alex, how did you get these bruises!?

6 years ago   Reply

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(You can go to five or six stores. Or just ONE. Look that up when you have the chance.)

6 years ago   Reply