Struggle bug.(boy)

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name irl.beau __?____
age just turned 15
born: Las Angeles ca
lives same
I got this app about a week ago approx.
How is it that 500,000 people downloaded animaker and I see the same people everyday. I find that rather first crush on this app is DREAMIX.hopefuly my only not interested in any other girls right now so don't try .(like I have girls fighting over meh.)lol.
likes:drawing, fighting (boxing)laughing ,spending my dad's money.
dislikes:bugs/insects.yuck.war.cheaters.liers,bullies.& opera winfrey.,and country music no no no any questions just ask.

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  Struggle bug.(boy)

Cyan: ;P

Meant to say probably not pepper but I've ever anyway I'm confusing myself

6 years ago   Reply
  Struggle bug.(boy)

Cyan: ;P

Pepper obviously the people that follow me will know I'm here that's okay

6 years ago   Reply
  Struggle bug.(boy)

Cyan: ;P

please don't tell when I'm here you're the only one I want to know I'm here

6 years ago   Reply
  Struggle bug.(boy)

Cyan: ;P

hey beautyful

6 years ago   Reply
  Struggle bug.(boy)

Gm everybody

hey princess I wanted to apologize for being PSYCO I'm not like that anymore I promise you

6 years ago   Reply
  Struggle bug.(boy)

When you find a charger that works XD

So we can I just want to say goodbye on a friendly note not all stressed out now so I'm going to kill my character in about an hour check it out should be fun

6 years ago   Reply
  Struggle bug.(boy)

Idk .-.

Hi Sophie I'm a little less depression driven right now so I wanted to say goodbye on a friendly note.. even though I didn't know you that well I'm still going to miss you a lot bye bye

6 years ago   Reply
  Struggle bug.(boy)

Idk .-.

You're right I'm not going to bother you with this I'm just going to go so goodbye

6 years ago   Reply
  Struggle bug.(boy)

Idk .-.

So now I'm stuck with do I leave and be miserable or stay and be miserable

6 years ago   Reply
  Struggle bug.(boy)

Idk .-.

Or there's always plan B

6 years ago   Reply
  Struggle bug.(boy)

Idk .-.

Either way it's going to be miserable

6 years ago   Reply
  Struggle bug.(boy)

Idk .-.

here's my problem. I know I just met you and we havent really spoke that much. but i teally like you .ive never fallen for a girl this hard and it would be an incredible feeling if the feeling was Mutual otherwise it's the worst feeling in the world. So n

6 years ago   Reply
  Struggle bug.(boy)

Idk .-.

goodbye sophie

6 years ago   Reply
  Struggle bug.(boy)

When you find a charger that works XD

I thought you were talking to me I hate this phone

6 years ago   Reply
  Struggle bug.(boy)

When you find a charger that works XD

sorry I thought you errectslkingbtp me

6 years ago   Reply
  Struggle bug.(boy)


hello please someone acknowledge me

6 years ago   Reply
  Struggle bug.(boy)

Boredddddd ;-;

not one person will talk to me so I'm out of here .no school today so I'm packingm

6 years ago   Reply