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I remembered this existed. I was an idiot on this app, I'm sorry.
I plan on deleting some stupid things I did but will probably leave most of it up.
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Bikini Body meme
well mine was cupid the love goddess cat. I like the animation. but I don't like her herself.
hi! .............who is your favorite animator that made this meme? (as in u like it)
Meet Toy Luna!
Good morning - afternoonish everybody! I upload this every morning now.
Hi!!!!!! My divice internet is down. I loged in on my mom's divice.
Watch this
....... it's a little funny cuz u r smiling.....
KindDragon’s Dare! ( Read Desc, KindDragon)
(it ok. now let's see her reaction!) tiny: HEY!!!!!!!!!*!! WHERE IS MY GUN?????!!!!*!! COPYCAT: I have it! *shoots tiny* now she can't kill u XD
Dares?? Anybody??
STEEL TINYS BOWTIE SHE WONT MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!! (:< (purple)
Main Characters of the new series
I can tell...
Meet Est :> (hh, I bet no one will comment this ;w;)
Please how many times do i have to ask.. any clothing dares
where what ur waring but rainbow and also where tinys bowtie and a pink hat (any hat)
More Funtime Foxbit
:) (she's mad)
Sand: *goes into a full-on sprint*
COPYCAT: FINE!!!! *scratch sand* me: *grabs copycat and drags her away* COPYCAT: IM GONNA KILL U SAND!!!!!!!!! me: shut up copycat. *walks away*
COPYCAT: oki! me: told ya.
COPYCAT: oh nu... me: stay out of it copycat. COPYCAT: ur stupid charlotte! me: this is not for me or me or my ocs to be in.
Me as a Lynx
it ok. I was rushed today to get OUT OF THE FLIPPIN RAIN!!!!!!!!!! .... sorry... COPYCAT: nice!
Me as different animals
COPYCAT: can u do lynx?
Any drawing requests?
DRAW ELLORA (I can draw her first)
Animation test
Ellora: now charlotte can crate the other pepoul on my dollshelf... (she lives there. and just to get this straight... Ellora is NOT a good guy. she just is always here.)
(??? as she says her name.) ???: my name is Ellora. (or Elora, but she has 2 'L' )