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Hi! I'm an absolute nerd. I LOVE MILLIONS of things! NAME THEM!

Fandoms or Youtubers I like: Shane Dawson, Morgan Adams, Garrett, Stranger Things, Prison Break, Adoptables, RolePlaying, Heathers, IT, OCs, AND..... SCPs, etc!

Shane-Single,Lonely, Bisexual guy.
Ashi-Single,Shy,Sweetie, Bisexual girl.
Cassie-Dating Charlie,Loud,Brave, Lesbian girl.
HeartBreak-Single,Shy,Artist, Heterosexual girl.
Jamie-Single,Quiet,Artist,Kind, Bisexual girl.
SadNess-Depressed,Nice,Single,Sweetiepie, Heterosexual guy.
Gloom-Nerd,Anxiety Veteran,Artist, Gay guy.

10 Following     12 Follower


Sleepover RP. starts here!

James: .. -lays their for a few minutes, while the others come down.-

6 years ago   Reply

Sleepover RP. starts here!

James: FUCK! DAMMIT! SHIT! AHHH!!! -face plants into the carpet-

6 years ago   Reply

Sleepover RP. starts here!

-tumbling down the staircase comes James, swearing every time he hits his head.-

6 years ago   Reply

Sleepover RP. starts here!

-from upstairs, you hear a voice say "CRAP! THEIR HERE! CMONCMONCMONCOM-

6 years ago   Reply

Sleepover RP. starts here!

-insert my characters upstairs, still getting ready-

6 years ago   Reply

Wanna do sleepover RP? :D

3) Have fun! Also, make a drawing of what your characters LOOK like.

6 years ago   Reply

I have something to admit..

I kinda feel like I am too!! But my mom hates when lesbian or gay couples kiss on tv. She exactly says "This SHOULDN'T be on live tv."

6 years ago   Reply

Clothing dare one! Hope the shirt is right, it was too big for him :)

Aw it's fine! You have never watched Shane's videos so it's okay. Or maybe you did but forgot.

6 years ago   Reply

Clothes dare?

Just follow meh and I'll post what it looks like

6 years ago   Reply

Clothes dare?

I'll draw it real quick to show chu

6 years ago   Reply

Clothes dare?

Shane Dawson merch shirt

6 years ago   Reply


I like random bee shirts

6 years ago   Reply