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Hi I'm Galaxy I love warrior cats and wolfs I have 6 big bros and 3 little sisters I am 15 years old and I have 5 dogs and 3 cats :3
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Give me a cupcake
Ash: *gives you a cupcake* hear...
Ash as a muman
Ash: no problem hehe.....
Ash: fine I'll try not to *ears go up then blushes*
Ash: *rubs arm* y-ya....
Ash: I'm just worried......
Ash: *ears go down* I trust you
Ash: you ok??
Ash: hehe
Ash: ya I'm fine trust me
Ash: n-no! Um I-I'm fine
Ash: *sigh*
Ash: ya hehe.......
Ash: hehe you should know wolfs have great hearing *smiles*
I think i should quit
(I have RILLY BAD spelling...)
Too many people left this app I don't want more people leafing..........
Fire or Water?
Don't leave dude...
Ashes new look
Ash: hmmm.......
Stormy Dares: Jump in a pool of colors!
Omg OWO !!!!!!!!