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Nothing to see here!
Leave me be.. ಥʖ̯ಥ
21 Following 91 Follower
Only Hollypop and Monster!~
Piper: What are you gonna do now, Tail?
Piper:* backs off *
Piper: Anything else but fighting
Piper: Besides fighting!
Piper: O///O w-what!
Piper: Anything, I mean anything..
Piper: Sure..
Piper: But you aren’t
Piper: Tail I swear to god if you fight her, I will do anything for u to stop >:(
(Its 3:04 am over here)
Piper: * stands in front of holly and waves *
Piper:Hi kuni <3
Piper:*mind:I feel bad, but he almost tried to rape holly..*
Piper: *hides* don’t you even
Rp anyone??
( Guys Kuni is joking us at the moment)
Piper: Umm..
Just join in
Piper: That’s enough!