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To closest best friends-I am getting a new account called Ursa Major
20 Following 8 Follower
I will be on meepcity pup
Ok joining u
Orange/Zoe Wanna play Roblox
(Just did that to make it easier to see what I say quicker ;-;)
Meep City , Murder Mystery , Or Roblox Uno You can pick one or other
Orange/Zoe I will be on Roblox for a bit
W H Y D O I H A V E 8 2 F O L L O W E R S
Congrat Btw this is funny to me cause my tablet is at 82% ;-;
Orange or Zoe if you wanna play roblox just tell me I’ll be on yt until u comment on this
That fine
No Title
I’m fine with having no talent at all it doesn’t really bother me it just bothers me when there is a talent show and I don’t have talent so I can’t be in it.
I’m back from camp
Sorry I had to eat breakfast
I’m not trying to put myself down but really my work does suck on the other hand your drawing is REALLY good I just can’t draw.
Drawing just isn’t my thing drawing is your thing
I will rejoin meep city