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So now i know what sherri looks like.
Meet stitch.
Yes, But this is a Christian account. No its not.
xD im sorry, she's dumb, but smart.
He wears clothes, to look normal. I just didnt draw them, casue it looks gay. xD
Stitch; Oh my, i like~. xD
Spamming myself. wow
I love him too, but he hates me for making him----
No Title
._. Fr? WHY DO YOU THINK I HATE YOU?!.. wtfffff omg omg omg. ahhhhh. u.u
Kittydog rp? ((Reposted bc I couldn't find it-))
Kk, ty.) Mom im hungry.
Isn't fluffen cruffle's mom as well?) Mommy..!
Im cruffleeeee!!!
For Tengo.
L m a o.
And Np, glad you like it. owo
How did it get 100 stars, and 16 views.
(It's ugly. For Junø.
Mhm. owo Smol child.
Contest! If ya wanna join owo Draw a sweater of kittydog oc fluffen for me to cosplay as her!
Done, Can i be cruffleeee?