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insta: _cinnamocci_
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Maddie : * lets go *// Gibson : * meows and jumps onto the couch *
Maddie : * sits and pets Gibson * // Gibson : * purrs *
This is the mascot for my account. :3 meet Bon!
* gets out from under the couch with toy *
Gibson : ?
Gibson : *purrs*
* meows *
Maddie : * gently picks up Gibson * // Gibson : * meows *
Maddie : you win this time >:0 * walks away and then looks for Gibson *
* lays head on it and tail sways *
Maddie : mY bAby! * unlocks the door and opens it *
Ropo.ExE: Dude what the fuck?!
* tail sways *
* digs claws into it *
Maddie : you mean Gibson ? Maybe he’s in the kitchen
* goes under couch * uwu
Maddie : fuck you. >:}
Maddie : * slams the door shut and locks it again * >:0
* goes to living room *
* purrs *
Maddie : * screams *
Maddie : yEs
* stops and sits *