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Nicknames: Luci Lucy Lulu Lou Lu Lulu Rin Masochist And finally. Baby doll >;/
12 跟随 21 追随者
Teal: I don't like scaring her.. she doesn't like it..
Eh..? Who are you. And why are you talking to Teal about me!!?
Wh-What are you talking about?
He's playing in the bathtub.
Damn. Rude
Not when he's naked-
I still don't need to watch him bathe-
No thanks- first off. I dont need to be watching naked men bathe. Second. That's just fucking weird.
.. *Closes the door*
Are you happy now?
Yes yes okay I'm happy!!
Touch my mommy and you will not live to see another day. Trust me on that
He said if I pretend to like it he'll stop quicker
But if he thinks I like it he'll stop faster
So pretty much I've got this in the bag ;"D
Ive said it before, I'll say it again.
It does!
So if I pretend to like he'll stop quicker ^^
That rhyme!
More kindergarten au
Omg I love♡
No Title
;") I'm sorry if I respond late. I'm flooded with requests on amino
It is I. Rin. The corrupted child