Hello! I have 2 oc
Exp.1:turns the gray cat with black and orange back to a kitten)/blue:yey
Blue:cool!/bramble:turns into a cat then walks in bathroom)
Blue:touch nose with kitty but kitty turns into a female)AH!
Blue:I like this one (grabs gray kitty and runs in room)NYAH!/exp.1:facepalm)
Blue:kitties! (Hugs a gray black and orange one with beautiful blue eyes)
Blue:(gets clothes on)/exp.1:walks out with a 12 yr old child)
(Exp.1:wakes up to a human blue)B-BLUE! WAKE UP/blue:h-huh FUCK!/exp.1:PUT SOME FRICKIN CLOTHES ON
EXP.1:BRAMBLE STOP! (Bramble turns furry)bramble:humph../exp.1:gets in bed with blue and kisses his nose gon)
Exp.1:picks up bramble)HEY MAYBE-(bramble freaks out)BRAMBLE AND THE CALICO WILL GET AL-(bramble scratches)ONG!
Blue:(grows to his large ver/exp.1:brings blue to their room and tucks blue in):3/bramble:speechless)
Exp.1:me and blue are gonna go to the hotel/bramble and them:runs to hotel)
(All of the sudden all 3 start to Rythmn the crush song my twaimz aka blue tapping bramble clapping and exp.1 slapping the table)