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- 16 - lesbian - she/him
(left anime.maker. i will come over to remember terrible memories.)
200 Following 197 Follower
What if i did —w—?
Who is this you tuber
Coryxkenshin, DUH
Gamer my son broke your bottle. °^°
oH nO cHiLd iS cRyInG
StUpId ;-;;;;;; tHaT wAs mY bOtTlE ;-;;;;
Tina & Mousii Chibi style!
I dont know why i said 'Okaaay' lol
Daniel: (goes to inky hell and drinks it there)
dAn giVe mY bOttlE bAck
Asly:Did you forget me?
Oof gn old frond
Gamer luvs me
gO aWay Dan hE's miNe
gamer why ;-;
-hic- who you -hic- calling drunk -hic-
I still miss him..
-pat pat pat-
Cuz i want too~
i WaNt tO sEe yOur pRiVate pArt ôwô
-Huggu back and kissu-
You already stopped commenting on my videos.
-shoots u on face-
bad boy & rona
Oh wow
my friends!!
Hi there friendddd