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Hi im tails’ big sister our dad has pasted away resently and we are out of school we miss our teachers so much already
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Evil meme (collab with my little brother)
Isint that a weird meme name?
Idk y but the meme is called hot milk meme =\
Working on next meme!
My brother helped a little!
Another animation
My life T-T
How my life is...
Please don't ask me to write my oc ever again Ok???
The color of his oc that he picked out
He told how he wanted his new oc to look like I like
How do you like it!
Nvm gtg for
I’ll join it!
Get what? And check my brother’s new oc!
Were who made this whent...!
I wonder
Зелёный Человечек от Амира
Yea! IKR!