The blood leader (wendigo ghost gal)( Wendy wendigo )( isscat )( suicidal please help )

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Hi I'm the blood leader but you can call me ( Wendy wendigo )( isscat )( wendigo ghost gal ) and I love to make friends
Are you there ( -xX||Felix||Xx- ) are you there I'm sad that your gone ( dthebeastgamer the legends YT )I hope you come back soon ( It's-A-Me, The B e t c h ! ) when your online you make me smile ( Flameingcreeper8 ) you may be gone but I had a fun time ( Star ghost memes ) your really nice and a good person -( more coming soon )
And only dthebeastgamer the legends and call me sweet angle (( its just a friendly nickname ))
I'm here I'm a furry so get used to it
Nice On The Inside But Powerful On The Out Side
I may be sweet and gentle but if you want to prove how strong I am just ask my family and my family has has a long line of history of the army and working on big projects that are in the sun and where I live it can get "hot" and we are in the sun for hours working and working and we are strong just ask them so the next time you want to pick a fight with me you have many levels to go before you can actually be strong as me and I wish you good luck on at least trying :3
If Your Sad Read This Please
You all have hope in life you just need to find it your life may been bad but there all way something good that will happen no matter what god has hope with you and you showed have hope in yourself if your stronge enough you run the blade down your arm or to eat a lot of pills at once or to use that rope and to get the chair then your strong enough to live your life so what I'm asking of you who reads this dont kill yourself may poeple cares about you so please just dont kill yourself this of the time thing made you happy and you have life at least your lucky to have life <3
The girl with a heart of gold
A girl with a hear of gold with her sweet talking and helpful ways she will help anyone she will put poeple needs before hers but thing that she dosent tell you are for a reason it hurts her to help others but she say theres not pain there but there is and it hurts her she will save other even though it will ruin her and her future but she decides people need helping more than she needs to help herself there is one little favor that she asks of you please do not harm yourself in any way and to not commit the ultimate sin death by your own hands she will be your good dream in your sleep she will stay up for days on end to make sure you have a happy day she is like a goddess of happiness and will try in every way to make you happy so what I say of my self dont hurt or kill your self or it will hurt her what she has turned wrong to right-----signed by jeccica
Cute Song
Your my honey bun sugar plum pumpy pumpkin you're my sweetie pie you're my puppy cake pumpkin shipl shipl sore the apple of my eye and I love you so and I want you to know that I will always be right here and I love to sing this song to you because you are so ill <3
Dont k
Dont ki
Don't kil
Don't kill
Dony kill y
Don't kill yo
Don't kill you
Don't kill your
Don't kill your s
Don't kill your se
Dont kill your sel
Dont kill your self
Don't kill your self p
Dont kill your self pl
Dont kill your self ple
Don't kill your self plea
Dont kill your self pleas
Dont kill your self please
Me And Her
I share an acount with my older sister on this app and irl but she's really mean sometimes and if you see me acting mean its her that is on I dont like to be mean and sorry if you thought I was mean it was her that was on and everyone calls her jeccica but thats not her real name and she like to call me Wendy wendigo so sorry if she is on :=
That One Girl
I'm the girl that you come to if you wanna rp = role play to romantic to horror to party or even murber I'll do it as long as I'm the girl and your the boy
And I'm only happy when the person reading this is online or at least talking to me and my former like you who is reading this consider yourself a friend of mine I love making new friends
Thing You Should Know About Me But I Don't Say To You
I care about poeple but they probely dont care about me I can leave this app without no one knowing but I'm happy that poeple I know care about me and I care about then but I nearly died 5 times helping other and it was 5 time I had a heart attack and they hurt but I have all my friends on here but I don't want them to cut them self or kill them self or leave this app because if they do those 3 things I'll hate myself for not helping them when they started but I will never cut myself or kill myself or leave this app but I know poeple will be sad if I do and if I where to never be on this app some one would have killed them self and I just care to much and it hurts me to care but I self care anyways but please don't worry about me I'll be fine and the only poeple you need to worry about is the poeple that are going through some tough times with depression and suicidal acts please help
( I have a youtube account but I'm really shy about it so that's why I dont sure it as much )( my oc info )
Isscat : ( mine oc )( age : 21)( BF : doggo )( loves : her friends and sister and killing and Brandon and doggo and blood and kissing doggo and cuddling with doggo )( hates : poeple who are mean and someone trying to kill her )( type : angle/demon cat )( family ( dad : he's dead )( mother : she's dead )( sister : Tacssi )( isscat child : Brandon )( Tall : 6 FT 3 IN )
Pleg : ( other : oc )( age : 19 billion years old )( BF : no one )( love : death and her sister and war and killing others )( hate : weak thing poeple who are not strong and there sister BF or husbands )( type : demon god of all kinds of diseases)( family : ( dad : satin )( mother : ???? )( sister : she has 9 sisters )( stronger then you in any way )( Tall : 9 FT 9 IN )( O9S )
Blood moon : ( other : oc )( age : 18 billion years old )( husband : jake )( love : her child jack and Jake and loves to fuck around and play sex pranks and cuddling with poeple and has a sexy body and showing off how sexy she is and war and death and blood)( type : demon god of love and lusty and pian )( family :( dad satin )( mother ???? ( sisters :she has 9 sisters )( Blood Moons child : jack )( adopted jack )( stronger than you in anyway )( Tall : 8 FT 12 IN )( O9S )
Lamey : ( other : oc ) ( age : 15 billion years old )( BF :calub )( love : everything and calub and candy fun kisses hugs saying HI and hugs ) ( hates : mean poeple death )( type : angle god of fun and sanity and happyness )(family ) ( dad : satin ) ( mother. :???? ) ( sisters : she has 9 sisters )( stronger than you in anyway )( Tall : 7 FT 1 IN )( O9S )
Celestia : (other : oc )(age : 16 billion years old )(Husband : dark ) (Love : pace her kids ( daisy ) ( nate )
and dark and her sisters and everything else ) ( hates : nothing ) ( type : angle god of ice and cold and frost ) ( family )( dad : satin ) ( mother : ???? ) ( sisters : she has 9 sisters )( stronger than you in anyway )( Tall : 8 FT 8 IN )( O9S )
Dragollean ( other : oc )( age : 17 billion years old )( BF : no one )( love : her sisters and war and blood )( hate : nearly everything )( type : angle god and fire and lava )( family )( dad satin )( mother ???? )( sister she has 9 sisters )( stronger than you in anyway )( Tall : 9 FT 3 )( O9S )
Mar ( other : oc )( age : 18 billion years old )( BF : no one )( love : killing thing nightmares death war murder and scearing others and torture and her sisters )( hate : love and children )(type : demon god of darkness and fear )( family )( dad : satin )( mother ???? )( sisters she has 9 sisters )( stronger than you in anyway )( Tall : 8 FT 12 IN )( O9S )
DC ( other : oc )( age : 17 billion years old )( BF : forget his name )( love : electronic stuff her sisters and gameing and talk slang )(hates : when the Wi-Fi is down war blood and death )( type : angle god of Electric and lighting )( family )( dad : satin )( mother : ???? )( sisters she has 9 sisters )( stronger than you in anyway )( Tall : 7 FT 4 IN )( O9S )
Little shot ( other : oc )( age : 17 billion years old )( BF : no one )( love : working experiments research growing plants and trees and her sisters )( hates : destruction and death and blood )( type : god of the land and nature )(family )( dad satin )( mother ???? )( sisters she has 9 sisters )( stronger than you in anyway )( Tall : 10 FT 7 IN )( O9S )
The blood leader : ( other main oc )( age : 22 trillion years old )( BF : no one )( love : her sisters death war blood and destruction and chaos )( hate : nearly everything and love and night )( type : demon god Lorde of death and WAR )( family )( dad : satin )( mother ???? )( sisters has 9 sisters )( she will be the new ruler of hell )( stronger than you in anyway )( Tall : 11 FT 12 IN )( O9S )
Kit ( other : oc )(age : 16 )( BF : storm )(love : everything and storm )( hate : not all but Stalcker )( type : human )( family )( dad : demon )( mother : death Maiden )( sister : kite )( she hot but innocent )( child : kaydyn )( )( Tall : 5 FT 9 IN )
Kite ( other : oc )( age : 22k years old )( BF : NF * night fall *)( love : being mean to her sister and taking other girls guys and NF )( hate : everything about her sister )( type : demon )( family )( dad : demon )( mother : death Maiden )( sister kit )( hot but mean )( Tall : 6 FT 4 IN )
Alebunny : ( other : main oc )( age : 19 )( BF : blue Wolfy )( love blue Wolfy death blood carrots and guns and knifes and jumping )( hates : mean poeple and other poeple accept Blue Wolfy calling her cotton tail )( type : angle/demon bunny )( family )( dad dead )( mom dead )( Tall : 5 FT 1 IN )
Zack ( other : oc )( age : 21 )( BF : )( love : he gay men pink and gay sex XD )( hate : girls girl things )( type : dog and held angle )( dad : missing )( mom : missing )( no brother no sister )( Tall : 5 FT 5 IN )lusty
Tacssi ( other : main oc )( age: 22 )( BF : oggod )( love : murder blood guns knifes torture destruction chaos and killing others and love oggod )( hate : not killing and kids and not seeing blood )(type : angle/demon cat )( family )( dad : dead )( mother : dead )( sister isscat )( oggod got her pregnant )( Tall : 6 FT 8 IN )
Condog ( other : oc )( age : 25 )( wife : kitty )( love : to see isscat dead and tacssi and his wife and son )( hate : isscat and tacssi and there family and friends )( type : demon dog )(family )( dad dead )( mother dead )( no sisters but has one brother )( Tall : 6 FT 12 IN )
Hate ( other : oc )( age : 100k )( BF : no one )(love : death blood WAR torched and talking other poeple power and being tall and killing others and black mailing )( hate : when poeple get in her way and when poeple don't leasen to her and not being loved and so she lonly and single )( type : god and death bringer )(family )( everone in her family is dead )( Tall : 12 FT )
Issy ( other oc )( age : 12 )(crush : none )( love : killing others knifes hunting and like to hug poeple and following for leader commands )( hate : everything ( type : human )( family )( mother : not saying name )( father : not saying name )( brothers and sister : not saying there names )( Tall : 5 FT 6 IN )
Night ( other oc )( age : 16K )( BF : creep )( love : creep and hurting her sister daisy but not her other sister and like a make medicine drugs and inject people with other things and poisonous types of gases )( hate : nearly everything )( type : demon )( family )( father : blood twine )( mother : ????? )( sister : daisy and death )( Tall : 6 FT 6 IN )
Death ( other oc )( age :17K )( BF : no one )( love : death )( hate : life and daisy )( type : demon )( family )( mother : ????? )( father : blood twine )( sister : daisy and night )( Tall : 6 FT 4 IN )
Daisy ( other oc )( age : 18 )( BF : creeper )( love : everything but her dad )( hate : only her dad )( type : not humaWn )( family )( mother : ???? )( father : death comer )( Little sister : night and death )( Tall : 5 FT 3 )
Demon ( other oc )( age : 18K )( GF : no one )( love : his little sister Kylie and care about other even though he has a dark past )( hate : bad poeple )( type : demon demigod )( family )( father : devil 6 )( mother : sins )( sister : Kylie )( no brother )( Tall : 11 FT )
Kylie ( other oc )( age : 7 )( BF : to Young )( love : her older brother Demon and love to see daisy dead and roses and forests )( hate : not much but when someone brakes something of her sand goes into chaos around the world she is on )( type : demigod of persuading )( family )( father : devil 6 )( mother sins )( biger brother : Demon )( Tall : 2 FT 3 IN )
Random ( other oc )( age : 19 )( GF Zalylo )( love : nice poeple protecting others from harm and cooking and looking up at the clouds )( hate : stalker and when poeple hurt other poeple )( type : Warrior angle )( family )( father : died )( mother : died )( has not brothers )( kit is like a little sister to him )( Tall : 6 FT )
Stalker ( other oc )( age 19 )( GF : no one )( loves : kit and stalking kit )( hate : everyone and storm and random )( type : little bit of demon )( family )( he killed everyone if his family )( 6 FT 1 IN )
Nate ( other oc )( age : 17K )( GF : no one )( loves : his mom and dad and fighting and war and trning with the blood leader and Hate )( hates : the 2UN and his sister )( type : angle/demon )( family )( father : dark )( mother : Celestia )( brother :* no bother *( sister : daisy *not any go my oc *( 6 FT 7 IN )( stronger then you in anyway )( O9S )
Moon ( other oc )( age : 25 Billion years old )( BF : no one )( loves : nothing but theres one thing )( hate : hates everything except one thing )( type : world god )( family )( she was made from stone by Zeus )( 15 FT )( stronger then you in everyway )( O9S )
Sun ( other oc )( age : 25 billion years old )( GF : no one )( loves : nothing but one thing )( hates : everything except one thing )( type : world god )( family )( was made from stone by Zeus )( 25 FT )( stronger then you in everyway )( O9S )
Jack ( other oc )( age : 21K )( GF : no one )( loves : nothing )( hates : everyone )( type : demon/cat )( family )( father : jake )( mother : blood moon )( he's adopted )( 6 FT 1 IN )( 2UN )
Death Maiden ( other oc )( age : 30K )( divorced )( loves : her daughter kite and death )( hates : her adopted child Kit )( type : demon )( family )( they just disappeared )( 9 FT 9 IN )
Kaydyn ( other oc )( age : 1 )( GF : to young )( loves : his mom and dad )( hate : nothing )( type : human/demon )( family )( father : storm )( mother : Kit )( 1 FT )
Blood twine ( other oc )( age : 27K )( wife : ???? )( love : his wife and 2/3 of his daughters )( hates : 1/3 of his daughters )( type : demon )( family )( no one )( 8 FT 3 IN )
Unknown ( other oc )( age : 22 billion years old )( GF : no one )( loves : his sister unknownea and War and 2UN )( hates : O9S and everyone else )( type : Auntie Angel )( family )( he only has his sister unknownea )( 7 FT )( 2UN )
unknownea (other oc )( age : 22 billion years old )( BF : no one )( loves : her brother unknown and War and 2UN )( hates : O9S and everyone else )( type : Auntie Angel )( family )( she only haves her bother unknown )( 7 FT )( 2UN )
Wendigo ghost gal ( other oc )( age : ???? )( BF : no one )( loves : ???? )( hates : ????? )( type : ghost )( family )( there all dead )( 4 FT 1 IN )
Kitty (other oc )( age : 23 )( husband : Condog )( loves : her husband Config and her son Alexander )( hates : only tacssi )( type : cat )( family )( father :* he's a general of an amry * )( mother : dead )( 6 FT 6 IN )
And I'm the pun queen and the Knuckles of Steel that's what they called me in school.
OC names [:] 26 OC [:]
1 [:] Isscat ( mine oc )❌
2 [:] Pleg ( oc )❌
3 [:] Blood moon (oc )❌
4 [:] Lamey ( oc )❌
5 [:] Celestia ( oc )❌
6 [:] Dragollean ( oc )❌
7 [:] Mar ( oc )
8 [:] DC ( oc )❌
9 [:] Little shot ( oc )❌
10 [:] The blood leader ( oc )❌
11 [:] Alebunny ( oc )❌
12 [:] Condog ( oc )❌
13 [:] Hate ( oc )❌
14 [:] Tacssi ( oc )❌
15 [:] zack ( oc )❌
16 [:] Kit ( oc )❌
17 [:] Kite ( oc )❌
18 [:] Issy ( oc )❌
19 [:] Night ( oc )❌
20 [:] Death (oc )❌
21 [:] Daisy ( oc )❌
22 [:] Demon ( oc )❌
23 [:] Kylie ( oc )❌
24 [:] Random ( oc )❌
25 [:] Stalcker ( oc )❌
26 [:] Nate ( oc )❌
27 [:] Moon ( oc )
28 [:] Sun ( oc )❌
29 [:] Jack ( oc )
30 [:] Death maiden ( oc )
31 [:] Kaydyn ( oc )
32 [:] Blood twine ( oc )❌
33 [:] Unknown ( oc )❌
34 [:] Unknownea ( oc )
35 [:] Wendigo ghost gal ( oc )❌
36 [:] Kitty ( oc )❌
37 [:] gold ( oc )
38 [:] Katty ( oc )❌
39 [:] Noacat ( oc )❌
40 [:] Brandon ( oc )
41 [:] Alexander ( oc )
(:) Random stands useless (:)[:] 12 useless OC
42 [:] Stage 1 ( oc )
42 [:] Stage 2 ( oc )
42 [:] Stage 3 ( oc )
43 [:] 1 EX ( oc )
43 [:] 2 EX ( oc )
43 [:] 3 EX ( oc )
43 [:] 4 EX ( oc )
43 [:] 5 EX ( oc )
43 [:] 6 EX ( oc )
43 [:] 7 EX ( oc )
Moods for right now
Scared :✅
Happy :
Mad :
Sad :✅
A little bit scared :✅
A little bit happy :
A little bit mad :
A little bit sad :✅
Really scared :✅
Really happy :
Really mad :
Really sad ✅
Pissed off :
Offline :
Online :✅
Depressed :✅
( need cheering up ) Suicidal :✅
Asleep :
Chill :
Flirty :
Hurt :✅
Nothing :✅
Sorry if I'm offline T~T
Your welcome if I'm online :3
OC voices
1 [:] yandere Chan (:) from yandere simulator (:)
2 [:] Akama (:) from Akama ga kill (:)
3 [:] mosquito Queen (:) from one punch man (:)
4 [:] yuno gasai (:) from yuno gasai anime (:)
5 [:] Miyuki Takara (:) from Lucky star (:)
6 [:] symmftra (:) from overwatch (:)
7 [:]
8 [:] Sister (:) from Red vs Blue (:)
9 [:] Sheila (:) from Red vs Blue (:)
10 [:] Esdeath (:) from Akama ga kill (:)
11 [:] Tex (:) from Red vs Blue (:)
12 [:] Washingtion (:) from Red vs Blue (:)
13 [:] poison ivy (:) from Batman Gotham City (:)
14 [:] Harley Quinn (:) from Batman Gotham City
15 [:] Simmons (:) from Red vs Blue (:)
16 [:] Nagisa Furukawa (:) from canned frachise
17 [:] Mercy (:) from overwatch (:)
18 [:] jeccica (:) irl (:)
19 [:] Widowmaker (:) from overwatch (:)
20 [:] Zarya (:) from overwatch (:)
21 [:] Shell (:) from Akama ga kill (:)
22 [:] Reaper (:) from overwatch (:)
23 [:] Leone (:) from Akama ga kill (:)
24 [:] Saitama (:) from one punch man (:)
25 [:] junkrat (:) from overwatch (:)
26 [:] Church (:) from Red vs Blue (:)
27 [:]
28 [:] Goku (:) Dragon Ball Super (:)
29 [:]
30 [:]
31 [:]
32 [:] Roy Mustang (:) from Fullmetal Alchemist
33 [:] crillen (:) from dragon ball super (:)
34 [:] Nui Harime (:) from kill la kill (:)
35 [:] Chi chi (:) from dragon ball super (:)
36 [:] pinky pie (:) from MLP (:)
37 [:]
38 [:] Boma (:) dragon ball super (:)
39 [:] Steven Bloom (:) from Naruto (:)
40 [:]
41 [:]
42 [:]
43 [:]
I love you all


391 Following     258 Follower

  The blood leader (wendigo g...

Jake: *looks down*

Random : wtf your standing up

6 years ago   Reply
  The blood leader (wendigo g...

Zoey:i decided not to wear a jacket today

Lamey : remeber the night on your birthday there where signs everywhere around me that said yes

6 years ago   Reply
  The blood leader (wendigo g...

Jake: *looks down*

Random :* snaps his fingers and the house is fixed *(( kit : thanck you

6 years ago   Reply
  The blood leader (wendigo g...

Jake: *looks down*

Random : I sens you have a new cat here by the name of Bethany

6 years ago   Reply
  The blood leader (wendigo g...

Zoey:i decided not to wear a jacket today

Lamey :* sexy voice * oh come on are,you sure you dont know

6 years ago   Reply
  The blood leader (wendigo g...

Jake: *looks down*

Random : really your crying over some cotton candy (( kit :* hugs Jake * please dont cry

6 years ago   Reply
  The blood leader (wendigo g...

Zoey:i decided not to wear a jacket today

Lamey : something like w-what wait your blushing

6 years ago   Reply
  The blood leader (wendigo g...

Jake: *looks down*

Random : you will just fall throw and you getting killed and I don't want to see my little sister sad from your death

6 years ago   Reply
  The blood leader (wendigo g...

Jake: *looks down*

Kit : well I can try (( random :* tps to kit * I felt if you needed something what is it

6 years ago   Reply
  The blood leader (wendigo g...

Jake: *looks down*

Kit : I just dont know how to get up to a cloud *puts the cat down *

6 years ago   Reply
  The blood leader (wendigo g...

Jake: *looks down*

Kit :* gives him a dead stare * I don't know how to

6 years ago   Reply
  The blood leader (wendigo g...

Zoey:i decided not to wear a jacket today

Jack : well she's never around Dragollean alot wait fire and heal is her weakness bc shes a snow type angle goddess (( Celestia :* is asleep in her bed *

6 years ago   Reply
  The blood leader (wendigo g...

Jake: *looks down*

Kit : I don't know how to get on to a cloud

6 years ago   Reply
  The blood leader (wendigo g...

Zoey:i decided not to wear a jacket today

Lamey : ok (( jack : who can I try to kill next (( unknown : lets see you captured nwonknu so you can try Celestia but try to find her weakness first

6 years ago   Reply
  The blood leader (wendigo g...

I attempted suicide an hour ago and passed out...

Its not right to kill your self think about it if someone you loved killed them self what would you do then put your place in the person and think about what would that person do if you killed your self

6 years ago   Reply
  The blood leader (wendigo g...

I attempted suicide an hour ago and passed out...

Oh god please don't kill your self thats really bad please dont kill your self you have so much to live for.....

6 years ago   Reply
  The blood leader (wendigo g...

Zoey:i decided not to wear a jacket today

Lamey : me to so who do you wanna do - I mean what do,you wanna do

6 years ago   Reply