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Don't just live, EXIST
Age: 13 B-day: October 19 Taken ❤️ Favorite color: pastel yellow
42 Following 8 Follower
Bad dream
Too fast, I can't tell what is going on
The mother
Too fast
Follow Me And My Sister OR ELSE!!!
You're not the best animator.
Right VS Left Challenge
Oh, sorry I didn't mean to make it look worse than the right.
Coming out
Way too fast to read
I'm so glad all of you like it! I just barely started animating, and I'm getting so much love! Thank you, it means a lot.
Also, ignore the little brown line at the back, my iPad is being dumb
Guardian of the orb
Please leave me alone
-who say imou not have BOOBS ϵ( 'Θ' )϶