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It is I
The edgy Lord Zippy
Sorry for posting about this. But .
Hopefully not. And if hope did she should of acted like it when they were together.
Sorry for posting about this. But .
Just. Please. Paisley is hurting and it’s because she felt unloved by hope.
Sorry for posting about this. But .
I’m standing up for my heart broken friend that got treated wrong. Okay? So stop being stupid and open your god damn eyes. Hope is an attention whore. She does shit like say she’s leaving, then she doesn’t. That’s clearly for attention! Please, I know I sound in the wrong but if you'd please open your eyes you’d see i’m Right! I don’t mean this in a bad way, okay?
That’s not a good excuse, “I didn’t ask you to” she did it because she loved you. Why couldn’t you do that same, hope? It’s not hard. Just act like you care.
I’m not great with breakups so trying not to cry since my heart has been broken
Hm. Toxic told me different.
I’m not great with breakups so trying not to cry since my heart has been broken
You’re playing victim and it’s getting on my god damn nerves. Sure your hurting, depressed and want to die.Just like every other time you don’t get exactly what you fucking want. Funny, ain’t it?
I’m not great with breakups so trying not to cry since my heart has been broken
You didn’t give back the love and attention you took, hope. You know that.
I’m not great with breakups so trying not to cry since my heart has been broken
And stop guilt tripping her toO
I’m not great with breakups so trying not to cry since my heart has been broken
you caused the break up don’t blame it on toxic-