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Love potion And a baby.
Baby: * grabs her finger *
You can hold him.
Never Offend Zea ((ZeaTree's Nickname))
Crystal: * gives cake to both of them *
Crystal: I'll never try to offend you.
I give you this Pokemon as a friend gift
Crystal: I mean Jesse.
Crystal: hi pastel.
Crystal: their all free.. No charge
Meet ZeaTree
Jackson: * dances like Cagney * Crystal: * starts playing floral fury *
Crystal: :3 * hugs her softly *
Crystal: your so beautiful.
I found a headless thing
I know.
I'll try not too, unless it's for family reasons.
You too * hugs her *
Bad News!
I'm so sorry I left.... I didn't mean to hurt you in any way.
Crystal: it's gonna be ok.. Just talk to someone, it'll keep ur mind off the pain
When the switch dies:
:3 so true
Crystal: oh god, not again..
Crystal: * hugs her softly too *
Crystal: :3