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Name da janitor
Age 11
Crush/gf m a v e n
Zee Berry Lewis Star Cloud Green tea
Mai frendos idk any more and life lock
Please don’t kill your self or hurt yourself 0w0
7 Following 5 Follower
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So lizzy and idk anymore are you guys a thing again
Roleplay anyone?
Zee turns on
You where draggin me
She put me on her back
She put me there
I have flowting arms with eyes on th
I’ve been on your back this hole time
Idk any more get me off your back
Guys why is zee broke
Berry looks in closet again isn’t that zee
Berry:oh hey guys
Berry sees a dead tv in closet
Berry:why am I on your back I don’t know anymore
((I’m back))
Creeee:berry runs
Berry lost his arm
Berry sits