Bad karma

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I like turtles and fishhhhh

17 Following     31 Follower

  Bad karma

Request 3

Can you draw stariaat?

5 years ago   Reply
  Bad karma

Mark: Hello! :3

Bad karma: yay thx your nice

5 years ago   Reply
  Bad karma

Mark: Hello! :3

Bad karma: I don't have a lot of friend cause I'm a demon but I'm happy still because I have no mouth

5 years ago   Reply
  Bad karma

Mark: Hello! :3

Bad karma: hi I'm bad karma the demon

5 years ago   Reply
  Bad karma

Neo- * cry’s softly *

Petals: but next time you die Neo I can't revive:/you so be careful bye :>

5 years ago   Reply
  Bad karma

Neo- * cry’s softly *

Petals: oh fuck you keep your marks

5 years ago   Reply
  Bad karma

Neo- * cry’s softly *

Bad karma: you fell on a spiked rock and petals revived you

5 years ago   Reply
  Bad karma

Neo- * cry’s softly *

Bad karma: XDDDD

5 years ago   Reply
  Bad karma

Neo- * cry’s softly *

Bad karma:Andrew hurt you Neo but know it is over and he is gone

5 years ago   Reply
  Bad karma

Neo- * cry’s softly *

Bad karma: oh well Andrew he nvm

5 years ago   Reply
  Bad karma

Neo- * cry’s softly *

Bad karma: what do you

5 years ago   Reply
  Bad karma

Neo- * cry’s softly *

Bad karma:that's where I live I'm a demon

5 years ago   Reply
  Bad karma

Neo- * cry’s softly *

Petals: *flies to tree house*

5 years ago   Reply
  Bad karma

Neo- * cry’s softly *

Bad karma:*starts to Melt into ground* bye gtg back to hell ;3

5 years ago   Reply
  Bad karma

Neo- * cry’s softly *

Petals:I bet he don't remember checkers or vines but I'm not calling them

5 years ago   Reply
  Bad karma

Neo- * cry’s softly *

Petals:so cute Alexa play despasito :.>

5 years ago   Reply
  Bad karma

Neo- * cry’s softly *

Petals:oh right you see for some people they can't remember some stuff so yeah

5 years ago   Reply
  Bad karma

Neo- * cry’s softly *

Petals: what the problem friend :3 (she is really small like a mushroom)

5 years ago   Reply
  Bad karma

Neo- * cry’s softly *

Bad karma: lemme get petals *calls petals* yeah come back...bye

5 years ago   Reply