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Hi I’m Dippie ! I’m a female
My series : Things that I HATE!
3 Following 8 Follower
Toasty love
What is your favorite drink before I say anything
I have depression
“Don’t yell at your mother!” AHHHHHHH “you think that’s funny?” AHH
I think you’re really nice but you’re just trying to be mean then you’re not very good at it
Yeah me too why does the meat and cheese go all the way to the bottom when you’re eating it so you have to hold it upside down
I’m back baby
Be in back in two minutes
None of that stupid pizza roll crap
If you maybe put I’m sad can someone help me or something like that maybe a lot of people would help you
Omg ham and cheese?
If you really had depression you want to care what I say
If you really had depression you wouldn’t let the whole world know it’s just because you want Attention
No you don’t you just have a taste for attention
Since we are almost to 50 followers I decided to do the special earlier
Should I tell my crush how I feel?
I did it he liked me back
Pringle #2 unfolowed me and I don't care
(Sorry Pringle)
You don’t deserve even 10 followers