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Hi. Hows it going, Iโ€™m back.
Tiktok Art Account: Careless...Caribou...Art
ACAB!!! All this violence makes a statement!!
Name: Zen
Age: 13
Pronouns: They/Them
Fandoms: Danganronpa, Homestuck, Your Turn To Die, Lore Olympus
Kins: Equius Zahhak, Horuss Zahhak, Gamzee Makara, Hajime Hinata, Gundham Tanaka, Gonta Gokuharu, Kaito Momota, Ibuki Mioda,
other info: obsessed with homestuck and monster energy drinks. I ๐™จ๐™ž๐™ข๐™ฅ for nepeta, the makaras and the nitrams๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

been here since 2016 baby
and Iโ€™m obsessed with serial killer documentaries

183 Following     139 Follower


Party rp lol

Jai: *Lies his head on her shoulder* -w- || Wip: oh fUCK. |! Zamer: heh heh... ur cyootz *Sits In Wips Lap* -///<///-

6 years ago   Reply

Party rp lol

nobody caess that a 12 year old is gettkng drunk lmao XD))

6 years ago   Reply

Party rp lol

Wip: Welp nos theres 2 Tsunderes.. yay... || Zamer: *Has a beer bottle hanging out of her mouth* sucsess. || Jai: Yeah you are. *Sits down next to her* dont deny it

6 years ago   Reply

Party rp lol

Jai: *Looks at Peachie and smiles* Aww~.. You look cute, :> || Wip: Are you ever gonna call me by something thats not "Baka"?*Nuzzles her face* ~.. || Zamer: S-Shut it baka..

6 years ago   Reply

A flock of ron.

bEcKy LeMmE sMaSh.

6 years ago   Reply

Party rp lol

yeEt)) Jai: *Stands up and grabs a beer fromthe bartender* Havent had one of these in a while. || Zamer: Im gonna get DRUNK. || Wip: Bae no, your 12 || Zamer: SHUT UP BAKA

6 years ago   Reply

Pick a spot - Mistletoe

6. lol its literally me

6 years ago   Reply

Wellll Cuphead

onii-Chaaaaaan ;>;

6 years ago   Reply

Party rp lol

anyways bc to RP? XDD We died for long tiem))

6 years ago   Reply

Party rp lol


6 years ago   Reply

Party rp lol

g0t grounded... cya in jan.))

6 years ago   Reply

Party rp lol

*Sits in the corner*im gonna be here for a while.))

6 years ago   Reply


DJS IS DA BIBLE *holds up a book that says Bibble*

6 years ago   Reply

Never try to kill me..

Thats not terrifykng at aal ok. and i would kever kill you even if i wanted to. Plus LT Keeps all the knives kn high places. :,>

6 years ago   Reply