SimpleJob221 {Øffłîñê}

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1 2 3 4 how manny niggers are in my store
I kNoW yOuR sTeAlInG

Follow my best friend ImFullOfFandoms

Kate/sexuality: doesn't matter//likes: fucking people, "fun", parties especially whe they get crazy/age: none/ phrase: harder please mmmmmm

Cassie/sexuality: straight/likes:anything/age: none/buff:Kate/phrase: Kate hasn't hung out with me much she says she has a lot of home work

Dan//gender: male/ likes: same as Kate/ age: none/ phrase: hey bitch wanna visit me tonight? ;)

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  SimpleJob221 {Øffłîñê}

Fun roleplay only yeni

Dan: *removes her bra and continues to rub them*

5 years ago   Reply
  SimpleJob221 {Øffłîñê}

Fun roleplay only yeni

Dan:*rubs her boobs* seems right to me I may need to double check

5 years ago   Reply
  SimpleJob221 {Øffłîñê}

Fun roleplay only yeni

Dan: first we need to check your heart rate~ *takes off her shirt*

5 years ago   Reply
  SimpleJob221 {Øffłîñê}

Fun roleplay only yeni

( nice but first we're gonna play it my way) Dan: lay down the. I'll give your checkup~

5 years ago   Reply
  SimpleJob221 {Øffłîñê}

Fun roleplay only yeni

( lol I'm still confused whyyyy I'm sorry I'm stupid tell me your plan with the kinky tools)

5 years ago   Reply
  SimpleJob221 {Øffłîñê}

Fun roleplay only yeni

( —-—) Dan: well then step into my office ;3 *opens door to bedroom* ( kinky tools? Sorry if I sound like I small child but what are kinky tools -_-

5 years ago   Reply
  SimpleJob221 {Øffłîñê}

Fun roleplay only yeni

Dan: let's play then who's the doctor and who's the patient?

5 years ago   Reply
  SimpleJob221 {Øffłîñê}

Kate: don't worry sexy it'll be fun *sits on your lap wraps tail around thou and bounces a bit*

(I need to use a different OC because Kate has a boyfriend =~=) Cassie: do you want me to make that happen? ;3

5 years ago   Reply
  SimpleJob221 {Øffłîñê}

Fun roleplay only yeni

Dan: what game do you have in mind~? *wingflap really fast*

5 years ago   Reply
  SimpleJob221 {Øffłîñê}

Fun roleplay only yeni

Dan: so why did you come and visit me ;3333

5 years ago   Reply