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Hi! My nickname is Ivy! I play ajpw and I'm very weird. Idrc about this part. But I don't want "Hello!" That's all.
2 跟随 1 追随者
What sky does in her spare time
Ik that I'm just evil.
Me and my big brother!
Good night. Meh time zone is BST. Very nice and awkward with my friends from Mexico and that.
Meet star
Seems like mu kinda gal. Except that she's VERY positive.
XD Please help me. I'm dying. Like I am blushing !!! Why do I do this? Idk. I love both of your personalities. ^ ^
She gets watery eyes because of the wind?
Meet sky
Can u do kitty a BIIIIIIIIIIIG favor?
No I can't but of I press that button I'll unfollow you.
Any drawing suggestions?
I'm such a weirdo.
Hmm. Draw a potato. That has a face. And is screaming.
Cute. You do really cute anime!
What my cat likes to do
Sometimes my cat sits on top of my device. XD
What should I draw I bord
Draw a potato
You spin me right around meme
For my friend ivy!
I adore this. Thank you!
Shadow’s reaction of seeing ivy
Cute. You have a really cute personality.
I feel kinda left out...
You don't celebrate?? Why? Do you not believe in God?
Meet ivy
You are correct! I'm not gonna tell you my age. Cuz I don't wanna. You're correct in most ways! YAYYY!
New Pokémon type flasheon a light type eeveelution
You like Pokemon? Cool.
Who play AJPW???