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hey! i haven’t been on this app for ages, i just wanted to try out more drawing and posting hopefully. sorry for disappointing, i still haven’t gotten over this app and i missed everyone.
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B.R: *under a blanket with his child Austin*
Xan: just keeps looking at him *
Tyler: *screaming in room* / Grin: *can no longer sleep in own room* I'm going to murrderer my own brother...
Patcher: who is it?
Patcher: oh
Xan: •^•
Patcher: same. My gang hated it when he was the leader, so they asked me if I could challenge him to become “new leader “
Xan:... *confused *
People can ship Deny
UwU deny is a coote bean
Josh: *uses “magic” to clean up most of the puke* .. // Xan: where are the beds, Joshua?
Patcher: úwù
Josh: why is he puking? // Xan: *goes closer to Black*
Patcher: you’re cute uwu ((yup-))
Josh: ?— // Xan: Black?..
Patcher: ^^
Xan: whimpers*
Hope you enjoy this, I gave up on it
G I m m I e. D e m. S k i l l s.
Josh: now I shall take ya both *teleports them into a room* // Xan: Black?..
Patcher: pat pat*
Josh: takes out a machine and sucks both their powers into it* // Xan: what the fuck are you doing??
((D I s c o r d secrets XD)) Patcher: úwù..