❄️Ember Wolfie Kun❄️

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I know Thunder,Lavender,and Fun
My wife is Fun and my niece is thunder, Alina is my daughter, and my best friend is🌹 ...I deleted the app and redownloaded it...couldn’t get back into my old account...sooooo yea...
I’m bisexual
Fight me I dare you
Hurt my friends I’ll hurt you
I’m not a homofobe
I’m Male
I live in the good ol US of A
I’m 13
My oc is Umbreon- he’s friends with flareon and that’s it- he like the dark- and likes to be alone-
...........♥ #######Put This On Your Page#####♥
..............♥##If You Love Someone#########♥
-Love you Fun

6 Following     47 Follower

  ❄️Ember Wolfie Kun❄️

his navigation

I think moto moto likes him

5 years ago   Reply
  ❄️Ember Wolfie Kun❄️


Just messed up my soothe line

5 years ago   Reply
  ❄️Ember Wolfie Kun❄️

Every guys I see on tiktok is just big haired bois

Also that looks like Mondo from danganrompa hair XD

5 years ago   Reply
  ❄️Ember Wolfie Kun❄️



5 years ago   Reply
  ❄️Ember Wolfie Kun❄️

Hey weaboos.

Idk if I should be confused, conserned, or scared

5 years ago   Reply
  ❄️Ember Wolfie Kun❄️

Sorry I didn’t make the post yesterday

I mean like I couldn’t put effort into anything so I made the other post

5 years ago   Reply
  ❄️Ember Wolfie Kun❄️

Zombie Apocalypse

I’ll make the first post after base ball

5 years ago   Reply