Cinders soul

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Hello! Its me i play ajpw u can buddy me on there my name is doctorwholover38
My new name cinders soul my old name doctorwholover38

8 Following     8 Follower

  Cinders soul

This is candy your new friend!

Good thing u deleted that post

5 years ago   Reply
  Cinders soul

This is candy your new friend!

Go ahead ill make a new one for me :3

5 years ago   Reply
  Cinders soul

Gtg I have to take a shower

Make any of my oc in a bee hive and looks like a bee XD

5 years ago   Reply
  Cinders soul

Who has a crush on cosmo?

Ill make u another one :3

5 years ago   Reply
  Cinders soul

Who has a crush on cosmo?

Cosmo wanna friend?

5 years ago   Reply
  Cinders soul

Who has a crush on cosmo?

If i was a cute alien i would huehue

5 years ago   Reply
  Cinders soul

No Title

This is so so so inappropriate

5 years ago   Reply
  Cinders soul

HeR nUtCrAcKeR BoOtS gOt ScAmMeD-

Hello darkness my old friend

5 years ago   Reply
  Cinders soul

Pick a spot

Of i picked 4

5 years ago   Reply
  Cinders soul

HeR nUtCrAcKeR BoOtS gOt ScAmMeD-

Don’t worry i got them back....

5 years ago   Reply