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Gm =:)
it mean you like pain!
im a masufist :D
gm i just figerd out somthing :D
New oc his name is samsri
eyeless jack and gourgie
am i a masifist PROBUBLY
you put splinters in teals face
Hey rayne!
idk a doodle
o3o aw
i love you
>;0 jvbfjkbhouehsnobuhvou lel
"Pull The Trigger Jimmy."
why are you sayin ugh?!?
noooo jimmy
listen too migrain :>
H-Hello?! C-Can any o-one hear m-m-me?! *cries* S-Someone Help.....
Zips head hasn't healed yet, teal just hide the wound in hair.
._. thats teribel
Zip: I don't like looking like this, T- //Teal: don't you want boys to notice you??
hay teal...
thats an oof