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What I witnessed
I guess you don't want the help mk bye
Cus she stabed you in the eye
❤️ u
Here have a human Grim
Tap out: remember me?
Tap out: how have you bean
Tap out: oh Rayne hello
Stormy back
Iw seen going to talk to her anyway
Oh. ~
Hay she gave me the end of the leash
What is thiss
F u CK it
A Thing
It's cute
Mister knife is calling me
( ͡°Ĺ̯ ͡° ) your the one not being nice
Wut what I'll ignore you till I get it back
Fine then walks away you ask for it bye see you later I guess
I'm hellasexual
Igigjrdivisicskso it's a meme jesus
8v8 I'll get you a knife if you give me my knife back...
What ya gunna do with the knife enyway