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Red: merry Christmas conner~
Conner: why not
Dare 1
Connerm -//3//-
Conner: pats red* you’re so tiny -//w//-
Conner:heh merry Christmas to u to
Any dares for red?
Conner: I dare red to kiss me >:3
Conner: o//w//o
Hello nice to meet you I’m mythical creatcures you can call me myth warning stay away from drama
MeRrY ChRiStMaS sWeEt FaCe~
William: eeeee o//o
Conner: who wants to give wills over here a new hair do?
I made a snow dear
William: ooooo
Conner: heheheh *bends down and kisses*
Conner: oooOoOoOooo friend zoned/ William: Conner did you not hear what I said before
Conner: uhhh (mind:wait for it). William: ur not ugly!?/ Conner yup... there it is
Conner: jeez blue why so protective?
William: Conner what was that?! /Conner: bish get over her/ William: I have /Conner: that quick?/ William: I guess
William: *has mark on his face and gives red the death stare*
William: *cri
William: <:3
William: *sigh* th-that’s okay... I’m happy for you anyway *fakes smile* I just hope he treats you well
William: I’m a mess... who would want to be with me anyway you can go on with ur day...