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hello there friends I know I'm lot weird cuz I'm born to be drawin a lot of things..I loaf it.
2 Following 10 Follower
Woah how did u do that? teach meh ☹️
The backflip
Awesome animation! Cairo ur a little good at it! :3 (I'm a girl ok I do not wanted to talk and cheer in boys) I LOVE UR ANIMTIoN SO MUCHHh!!!
Spread the work
Cool that looks really creepy Von! I loaf yo animation :3
Dug running 2 (test) the right one
Awesome dude!! :D
When Guest's girlfriend/crush lost in a game. (Read description.)
Bendy's perfect show part 2
Ya wanna know what are they doin?answer:Bendy saw season 3 cuphead walkin towards him so that's why Cuphead called bendy 'oi'...and that's the answer FuntimeLolobit :0
Oh honey, ♪
I don't see any moves,but your art style is pretty good "Mint"
I wonder what’s outside my door
Wow uhhh "no named dude" your animeMATION is cool :3 loaf it
How do u fuckin do that?
Shinzou wo Sasageo!
Acting Alive
OH...happy thanksgiving to you too.
Strike Cuphead Gives Me A Letter Of Strike Me That's Because My BDAY Is Comin In December
Joke it was 2003 XD
I meant 2008,my bad @-@
Do you like it?
Your drawing or animation is so cute!! I'm very proud of all the drawings that is cute
Bikini body meme
This is stupid.its gross ISNT SHE WEARING A SHIRT?!?! >:0
Happy pills did very well but srsly this is making me sit on a bed so pls just practice some more other drawings so yu can see the real beautiful drawing.
I meant Kumar
This is the most coolest thing I've ever seen KUkumar ya need to teach meh ;-;
Red locus
I want to know how did you do that by using this app...
Cats of Evergreen
Do it