Moon Star Cat

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I’m Moon star cat you can just call me Moon
I’m both genders actually
I have not much friends
I like to edit A LOT
It’s takes me a while now but I edit better than before...

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  Moon Star Cat

Rp w/ Moon starts here

-tackles him- that’s what u get

5 years ago   Reply
  Moon Star Cat

A ship for Moon

Oof you used my name

5 years ago   Reply
  Moon Star Cat

Rp w/ Moon starts here

(I’ll be actually on at maybe 8:00 or 9:00 srry -kisses his cheek-

5 years ago   Reply
  Moon Star Cat

Rp w/ Moon starts here

(Srry I was playing with my sis irl)

5 years ago   Reply
  Moon Star Cat

Rp w/ Moon starts here

-pulls him to the floor with me and tackles him-

5 years ago   Reply
  Moon Star Cat

Rp w/ Moon starts here

-falls- not this time

5 years ago   Reply
  Moon Star Cat

Rp w/ Moon starts here

-pins him to the couch and licks his face-

5 years ago   Reply
  Moon Star Cat

Rp w/ Moon starts here

Well ya... cause you were over there and-

5 years ago   Reply
  Moon Star Cat

Whose Ready for Winter and Christmas

I want Christmas first but thanksgiving is, also that is my favorite holiday too

5 years ago   Reply
  Moon Star Cat

Rp w/ Moon starts here

-walks into the living room and sits on the couch-

5 years ago   Reply
  Moon Star Cat

Rp w/ Moon starts here

-sits on his legs-

5 years ago   Reply
  Moon Star Cat

Rp w/ Moon starts here

Puts it on him- green suits you

5 years ago   Reply
  Moon Star Cat

Rp w/ Moon starts here

Sneaks behind him-

5 years ago   Reply
  Moon Star Cat

Rp w/ Moon starts here

runs to my room and grabs my old hoodie-

5 years ago   Reply
  Moon Star Cat

Rp w/ Moon starts here

Mind: *}#{^{>{* why did I say that I’m so ___

5 years ago   Reply