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23 Following 4 Follower
Dodge quickely 2
You good at this wow
My OC (so far) (got any bames for him)
Hurt demon
Sorry if it looks kinda bad i was just trying a new style out
My life at school. My life at home
Wow i thought it was just me
The darkness
god but bad
Wow good job
If Nightmare Wink and Evil Wink controls me at the same time!
Well thx
I dont know how much tht is true have u seen my little animation things
Good job you have so much skill in this........ i suck oof
Stone:is this what love is!?!?
Lifes boring oof
Im always bored
Truth: I'm a rare subject ^^ but....
Give to those who need not to those who want
Request 6- For Foxey the wolf
You are really good i wish i could draw like you but nope. Lifes like nope
Request 5- for Wondering Family :3!
Wow this is good