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Do u liek Memes?
Should that be a question?
Have a nice day (#•w•#)

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Here what Dice looks like now, Pandora :p

Lol)) Tord: I'm suprised ._. // Dice: *kisses her cheek* >\\H\\< // Autumn: Mhmm! :3

5 years ago   Reply

Here what Dice looks like now, Pandora :p

Autumn: *looks back at Ginger* .. *stops digging and goes to her* gives her a flower* :>

5 years ago   Reply

Here what Dice looks like now, Pandora :p

Tord: *starts shooting at River* // Dice: *looks from Dragon to his gun again* drops the gun onto Rivers head and hugs dragon* It's gonna be o-okay..

5 years ago   Reply

Here what Dice looks like now, Pandora :p

Tord: *takes out a pistol* ready to fight* |:7 // Autumn: *digs a deeper tunnel* O-O" // Dice: Oh ok ._. *still holding gun*

5 years ago   Reply

Here what Dice looks like now, Pandora :p

Autumn: *screams* O0O !! *digs a tunnel* HURRY!! COME ON!!! // Dice: O-O" *scared to use gun* shivering* H-Hey!! Y-you!! *at River*

5 years ago   Reply

Here what Dice looks like now, Pandora :p

Autumn: *senses it* I sense it... // Dice: *brings out gun* •^•"

5 years ago   Reply

Here what Dice looks like now, Pandora :p

Autumn: *does not notice roar* finishes healing Ginger* there :3 // Dice: *hear a roar* ??

5 years ago   Reply

Here what Dice looks like now, Pandora :p

Yeah xD)) Dice: o///o *blushes like crazy* N--no problem! // Autumn: *healing herb grows from hand* puts it on Ginger's arm*

5 years ago   Reply

Here what Dice looks like now, Pandora :p

Dice: I'm- *helps Dragon up, or at least tries xD* -Dice. // Tord: Tord >:p // Autumn: I-I'm Autumn...G-Ginger are you ok??

5 years ago   Reply

Here what Dice looks like now, Pandora :p

Dice: Dragon!! *rushes over* // Tord: o-o ...!!? W-wtf... // Autumn: GINGER!! :''0

5 years ago   Reply

Here what Dice looks like now, Pandora :p

Tord: Tom is stupid. // Autumn: Hey! That's not very nice.. // Dice: Where is she? Should we run??

5 years ago   Reply

Here what Dice looks like now, Pandora :p

xD)) Tord: Who- // Autumn: Is- // Dice: River?

5 years ago   Reply

Here what Dice looks like now, Pandora :p

It's ok, if I was there I'd kick their asses)) Tord: wOah- // Autumn: Hi hi hi :> // Dice: Where the fuck you you guys coming from??

5 years ago   Reply

Animemaker is working for me again!

"Mister Stark I dont feel so good.." I was with my dad at the movie theater watching it and when that happened I CRIED. I bawled my eyes out :'>

5 years ago   Reply

Here what Dice looks like now, Pandora :p

Liam: *shrugs and walks away, climbs up a tree and sits on a branch* .. // Dice: ;H; *mumbles* the cum is still falling..

5 years ago   Reply