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This is Molten!
Me: *helps Lisa Up*
Lisa: *passes out*
Lisa *Opens Eyes and Sees Them And Puts Paws On Mouth*
Lisa: *Walks Slowly*
Lisa: *walks in*
This Is Cursed
Tiny Adventures (I'LL DRAW THE OTHERS LATER :3)
Aww I wanted to be in :c
Marry me vaporeon?
Natalie Needs a friend... ;-;
wait rlly? lol
This is my new me
Cmon Comment!!
When Axe Sees Ark- Axe: -blushes as hard as possible and whimpers- WHY?!?!
Hai everyone c;
*Uses Aqua Tail*
*Battle Starts*
Hey Umbreon Want to later battle?
*then Is healed and Umbreon hugs me*
*i got out of the grave and mega evolves because my trainer mega evolves me*
*Then The Grave Glows* Lily: Wait could This be true?! *Lily Calls Ark, Axe, Umbreon to see the grave glowing*
Lily: Dont Worry Vaporeon i'll be Here For You.