GroupLion Draws

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Hello there! My name is GroupLion, and I am excited to make animes for you!
(No hate please)

>>I made this account on June 1st 2020<<

Info on me:

Age: 12
Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Drawing when I'm bored
Favorite books/book series: Warriors, Wings Of Fire, Harry Potter
Things I dislike: When my sister is annoying, bad spelling, things in stories that make no sense
Pets: Two dogs (I got a puppy a while ago!), a cat, a rabbit and lots of fish

I support LGBTQ+!

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Main OC:

Species: Blue cat
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-Name: Saber
-Gender: Male
-Age: 28
-Personality: Dark, edgy
-Sexuality: Unknown
-Crush: Does not have a crush
-Likes: Unknown
-Dislikes: Social interaction and being caught causing trouble
-Species: Toxic cat
-Powers: Unknown
-Hobbies: None

More info:
He is an only child and an orphan (Or at least he is pretty sure). He grew up on the street. He causes trouble everywhere and is dark and gloomy. He often looks to the bad side of things. He doesn't speak much and often hides from society. He has dark humor. (Backstory, behavior, etc. In progress. Nothing final)


-Name: Opal
-Gender: Female
-Age: 14
-Personality: Kind and shy
-Sexuality: Bisexual
-Crush: Does not have a crush
-Likes: Making new friends
-Dislikes: Being the center of attention
-Species: Cat
-Powers: Unknown
-Hobbies: Reading

More info: ???
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{If you have any challenges tell me! I'll be happy to do it!}

9 Following     34 Follower

  GroupLion Draws


Hiya! :3

3 years ago   Reply
  GroupLion Draws

Gtg! Im Going camping

OwO You having fun? When will you be back? (If you are not back already.

4 years ago   Reply
  GroupLion Draws

Follow your dream

I want to be a author UvU

4 years ago   Reply
  GroupLion Draws

I feel empty (I think this is a vent)

...Don't worry, I'm here. Everybody feels empty sometimes

4 years ago   Reply
  GroupLion Draws

Clothes dare?

A f l o w e r

4 years ago   Reply
  GroupLion Draws

I was bord😐


And btw bored is not written like that. I have seen many animes where you write "bord" instead of "bored". Sorry, I am really crazy when it comes to that. 😑

4 years ago   Reply
  GroupLion Draws

Just for fun😜

Wtf happened to his tail lol XD

4 years ago   Reply
  GroupLion Draws

Clothes dare!

Hm, wear a bikini (If you can wear it in front of Thorn ;) )

4 years ago   Reply
  GroupLion Draws

My cousin's cat just died

He wasn't even a year old I don't think. They probably had him for 8 months? 10?

4 years ago   Reply