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all I want are warm bagels with cream cheese.
44 Following 37 Follower
Congrats ^.^
My hamster died :(
I should refrain from getting pets. Maybe I should wait till I am totally ready ;-;
I fUcKin’ hAte gEtTiNg pErIod ;-;
It is literal suffering
My stylist broke.
Stylists give way too soon ;-; at least I got fingers
Food coping
In the moment, eating makes me happy.. then later on I feel guilty and even worse than before
Hi guys :3
Rat poison can look so pretty
Once you cut it open, it goes everywhere. It’s a huge mess
I would make potion looking bottles with glow sticks. There was a lot of glass shards.
DIY fireplace
I fear a lot of weird things. I think my most common fear is loud noises. It’s weird, it traumatizes me
Never trust space!
I just really wanted to upload.
Suffering in school
My brother is watching Happy tree friends.
When my brother was five he loved that show! It freaked me out I now I love it.
Rip the epileptic...
Jelly cube planet
You can tell all I think about if food
Hi Charles
My un-shipped ocs
*them screaming for love*
Thanks, it’s from bee and puppy cat
Thanks, I just went for it
How’s the soda
Probably why she’s spitting it out XD poison?
I’d imagine... he is a clown.