Jay The Foxxo

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25 Following     22 Follower

  Jay The Foxxo

(Øøf-) *kisses yøur neck and thrusts a little møre*

5 years ago   Reply
  Jay The Foxxo

Lil: who has a crush on me?


5 years ago   Reply
  Jay The Foxxo

*takes øff yøur cløthes If yøu have any ;-;*

5 years ago   Reply
  Jay The Foxxo

Mm~ *kisses back* *thrusts a lil*

5 years ago   Reply
  Jay The Foxxo

Lil: who has a crush on me?

Child they will take care øf yøu

5 years ago   Reply
  Jay The Foxxo

I d i d

5 years ago   Reply
  Jay The Foxxo

We døn’t have tø dø this yøu knøw..!

5 years ago   Reply
  Jay The Foxxo

No... no it doesn’t trust me

5 years ago   Reply
  Jay The Foxxo

Lil: who has a crush on me?

Dø sømething with her please

5 years ago   Reply
  Jay The Foxxo

*picks yøur legs up* ready?~

5 years ago   Reply
  Jay The Foxxo

Lil: who has a crush on me?

*pushes Lil tøwards Mike and Michael*

5 years ago   Reply
  Jay The Foxxo

Hmm *is ønly in bøxers* alrighty then~ *pins yøu against a wall*

5 years ago   Reply
  Jay The Foxxo

Jack: ._.

5 years ago   Reply
  Jay The Foxxo

Wait wøt

5 years ago   Reply
  Jay The Foxxo

Jack: wot?

5 years ago   Reply
  Jay The Foxxo


B a i

5 years ago   Reply
  Jay The Foxxo


Yep nøt yet mah bøi

5 years ago   Reply