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( ._.)
I__I 🍄 This is just a mushroom and I’ve only had it for a day and half.

( -.-)
I__I 🍄But if anything happened to it,

( IvI)
I__I 🍄 I would kill everyone in this room and then myself-

39 Following     49 Follower


Valentum: oi

What- they’re gurl and valentum dont need a ship ;-;)

5 years ago   Reply

Valentum: oi

Ik .-.) valentum: ._.

5 years ago   Reply

Valentum: oi

Valentum: h-hi?

5 years ago   Reply


I though u were offline but yey :D

5 years ago   Reply


Are u ok?

5 years ago   Reply

Valentum: do i have friends? ó-ò

*protect her* REEEEE ù^ú u will be fine..

5 years ago   Reply

Valentum: do i have friends? ó-ò

What did she do to u..?

5 years ago   Reply

Valentum: i think i just need a hug..

valentum: thanks guys QwQ

5 years ago   Reply

Valentum: i think i just need a hug..

Valentum: -hugs bk- i feel better now uwu

5 years ago   Reply

Valentum: uh...

Valentum: y-yes...

5 years ago   Reply


Part 2 is out xd

5 years ago   Reply

Sky: aww don't be sad ;;--;;

Valentum: yeyy ;w;

5 years ago   Reply

Valentum’s backstory :p

oof i think its bad .__.

5 years ago   Reply