HoWdY iM mAiKa
iM wEiRd
iM qUEEr (jk I'm bi)
AnD i LiEk MeMeS.
Q & A -cAuSe ThAt eXiSts-
What is your name? (irl)
Hallie... ( I Hate my Name...)
How old are you?
When's your B-Day?
fRiDaY tHe tHiRtEEntH!!! Jk, not telling.
Ok so, This isn't my first acc, I'm not new at all.
I've been here for about a year and a month.
You guys might know someone called Smolbean?
Beano? Yeah, that's me.
I just wanted a fresh start, please don't hate me. ( ;w; )
Anyhow, Toodles! Have a Memey day!!