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Hello! I was Hfriborg but I changed . I love wolves and otters. I have 3 bros 0 sisters. I don't think that I am very good but enjoy .
7 Following 35 Follower
You realy like her don't you
I wanna make animation but it’s about love
Draw InuYasha
Please stop saying that my old oc looks like Sonic it freaks me out.
Sonic is mad you copied him
Should I draw InuYasha
Maybe Kagome
I joined the DARKNESS
What does that mean
Plz don't clicku this.
Spinning test
Sweet I love it!
How could she have died and is he saying dammit to the coffee or the girl
What I would want to look like in Yu-Gi-Oh
My username is GreenEyes167
If I ship this it is going to not have a tail or wings
Oh my gosh... The eye are so cringe
Yes I have duel generation
Dares for Maskey
And ship means put with right?
In a galaxy far far away..... It's my birthday!
It is on may 4th
What do you mean by my Yugi self